A Breakdown of Earnings

They say money is a taboo subject. And while I see that, I'm somewhat inclined to disagree. I love talking about money and actually find exchanging ideas on the subject to be insightful. So it is with that spirit that I present my latest data collecting project.

For the past 3 or so years, I've been taking data on my various jobs the same way I take data on my sleeping around, which is to say meticulously. I've recently taken all the data and categorized it and entered it into a database for easy analysis. The result? Well, for one, I got this fancy pie chart representing my income streams for 2016. I've left off amounts because 1) that starts to creep over that taboo line and 2) you never know where lurks the tax man. (Note for the tax man: you're wasting your time. Small potatoes doesn't even begin to describe it.)

Similarly to the Sleeping Around Data Project, this bean counting has led to some great analysis. Some obvious noteable trends over the past 3 years of data: web and labor income are down while juggling and trivia income are up. Also, I can see the breakdown of housesitting by client which can cross reference with the Sleeping Around data nicely. Basically, there are a bunch of numbers that I really like looking at.

Many years ago, a friend asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up. I responded that I didn't want any job that accounted for more than a quarter of my total earnings, so as to avoid burnout and maintain variety in my life. Now, some 16 years later, it seems that that's pretty much where I am. Pretty dang neat!
Friday January 20 2017File under: stats

Toggle Comments (2)comment?
on Tue 24th Jan, 2017 08:55 pm EST mom said:
Where do Game Show earnings fit into the pie?
on Thu 26th Jan, 2017 12:51 pm EST horge said:
Game show earnings probably fit under "juggling" witty banter with obscure knowledge

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